As the car is used, the spark plug which is in charge of igniting the fire for the combustion process will produce a pile of carbon crust. A pile of carbon crust on the middle electrode of the spark plug is a sign that the spark plug is dirty.
This stack of carbon crust turned out to have an adverse effect on the car’s engine. The carbon crust in the spark plug can be caused by several things, one of which is the combustion process that is not perfect. If it does not handled immediately, it is not impossible that the plug will suffer damage
Spark plugs piled with carbon crust indicate an unhealthy engine condition or incorrect selection of spark plugs. The bad effects of carbon crust that continues to be on the spark plug electrodes can cause misfire or failure of the combustion process.
Misfire caused by carbon crust covering the electrode so that the ignition process does not work perfectly. If so, the possibility of powerless engine is higher. In addition, the accumulated carbon crust will shorten the life of the spark plug.
Spark plugs can be damaged or die sooner than standard life. The combustion process is not perfect because the carbon pile will create problems. Fuel that does not burn completely can also cause a decrease in car engine power, fuel consumption will become more wasteful.
Therefore, do regular spark plug checking. If there are damaged engine components that cause carbon crust on the spark plug immediately do the replacement.